Use MegaStats to Fix Assignment Help Problem
MegaStats has a great looking icon and its task manager seems to look like a certain Java applet. Users can see that it helps them write and track an assignment in the browser.
At first glance, it appears that the applet is quite useful for SPSS Help, but this is not true. The assignment help function of MegaStats, when clicked, takes you to the user interface with a set of menus. It seems that the initial click would take you to a screen with a task manager.
There is no simple question as to why the assignment help screen does not load immediately, other than the fact that there is a long wait time. Sometimes, the interface displays random error messages. It seems that the screen of MegaStats does not function properly.
I decided to download the MegaStats application to check if the assignment help function would work properly. I downloaded the application through the Internet.
I tried opening the assignment help screen using the Tab key, clicking the icon, and finally clicking the icon with the right mouse button. The assignment help function did not work at all.
It is not easy to explain how it works, but the simple question of the Task Manager function is the root cause of the failure of the assignment help function. After clicking the Task Manager function, the shortcut for MegaStats had been uninstalled from the desktop.
After uninstalling the shortcut for MegaStats, the assignment help function returned to the assignment help screen. It seems that the assignment help function works perfectly, and I can do all my assignment help without even closing the screen.
It is amazing that the assignment help screen does not load when it looks like the home screen is loading. If you are getting a similar type of result, then you need to uninstall the MegaStats application.
I also managed to delete the application. I knew that this was the solution to the issue but did not know the approach to uninstall the application.
After the deletion of the application, I successfully loaded the assignment help function and wrote the assignment. It took me only a few minutes to figure out the right approach to uninstall the application.
In the process of doing the uninstall, I found out that the license key could be used again, and thus I was free to install the application again. I did not want to spend time on searching for the license key so I just went ahead and copied the license key.
I noticed that the problem was still there, and the long time passed. I was able to solve the problem with just one click of the mouse.